Japanese Food on a Budget during Quarantine

To be honest everyone is probably starting to live like how Umaru-chan lives at home. Curled up in her favorite blanket, wearing her favorite comfy clothes, and just eating and playing games. Just being lazy in general. Nothing wrong with a little relaxation and fun while trying to get your mind off of what’s happeningContinue reading “Japanese Food on a Budget during Quarantine”

The Many Cups of Cup Noodles

Almost every college student has either eaten a cup noodle at 2am or seen someone who has. These simple instant noodles are the staple quick bite of convenience. All you need after buying these cups or even sometimes bowls is hot water and some chopsticks. It’s that simple! So it’s no wonder these have beenContinue reading “The Many Cups of Cup Noodles”

6 Japanese Recipes From Your Favorite Animes

When it looks that good on and off-screen there’s no way anyone can resist When watching anime there comes a time in almost all shows that they will make a Japanese dish. They will either just show the dish in its completion or they will show them making the food step by step. In turn,Continue reading “6 Japanese Recipes From Your Favorite Animes”

Japanese Style Loco Moco with Mahi Mahi

Loco Moco is a dish featured in contemporary Hawaiian cuisine. There are many variations, but the traditional loco moco consists of white rice, topped with a hamburger, a fried egg, and brown gravy. For this Recipe I used Fresh Mahi Mahi and used a Soy Sauce Mixture to give the dish a Japanese Twist. ServesContinue reading “Japanese Style Loco Moco with Mahi Mahi”

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